Residential InteriorsPerhaps one of the most challenging type of accounts, a Residential Project is truly a labor of love. The time and attention to detail our Company gives to please the client, who is expected to live most of their days in the residence we provide for them, eventually forge a dynamics defined by mutual trust, respect and camaraderie. Click on the link to see the stories behind each dream house, fulfilled.
Showrooms & Model Houses
How do you make spaces, memorable? For the showrooms and model houses we have designed in partnership with various renowned and trusted developers, we only have minutes, if not seconds, to convince the viewer, that yes, this could be your dream home. Our designs aim to reach out and to please the senses so they create lasting images to one's memory. See more of the images and perhaps discover a space that makes a connection with you.
Commercial and Corporate InteriorsFor projects with the general public in mind or with accounts with a broader range of subjects, we always start with the question, “What is the image of this brand and how can the physical space we design for them, make a connection to their target market?” We may be working with a brand, but we are aware that behind every brand, is its character, and not simply just a product.